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A Status Check of the Software Development & Solutions Industry

calender 03 Jun 2014

“Software industry being the base of every technical advancements related to IT field is often considered as the prime revenue generation sector among all, but what that amount or worth is quite a lot of idea do not have the right idea.”

Software industry being the base of every technical advancements related to IT field is often considered as the prime revenue generation sector among all, but what that amount or worth is quite a lot of idea do not have the right idea.

How big the industry really is?

Branham shared an info according to which the revenue generation of all global software companies together in the year 2013 is $6,018,639 which has scaled a growth rate of 20% from its previous year’s revenue, i.e. $5,010,384.

One must note that not every single software development firm is listed on tthere and only the top ones from very demographic regions are considered. This gives a clear picture about the stature of this niche and hence will help in the discussion from here on. The focus of this write-up in next parts will be over various industries it has supported with innovations and operational approach of professionals associated with this field. 

software development and solutions industry

Fields of dominance

Take a look industry or sector has been given support by software development agencies in some time or the other over the past decade globally. With digitization of everything information’s of both private and government fields have been processed through software platforms only leading to the implementation of quite a few solution in various sectors. Let’s highlight some of the major domains and put light of developments done in those.

A. Corporate: This sector has taken the support of the leading software development experts for a great number of times. Starting with the organization management software to technical needs the areas of usage are huge.

B. Healthcare: This again has been another place where maximum usage of software support has been essential over a prolonged period of time due to the latest digital equipments and need for better service giving to ailing patients. From managing any healthcare unit to adding value to the operation process, be it through any digital operation controlled by any doctor sitting miles away or accessing a data bank for instant information.

C. Education: This is a major part where software has already proven its necessity with modernized schools adopting school management software and virtual classrooms becoming reality. The need of interactive education has been understood and respected by all.

D. Finance: The whole backbone of the world economy now depends on technological support meant for banking, stock, insurance and all other sectors related to finance.

With all these sectors as its playground that is always a moving ahead when we talk about software development.

The traits of a professional

Having the idea of the industry must put you in the seat where you also wish to know about the qualities of professional who actually delivers innovation. In a nutshell, they follow agile methodology for seamless delivery of end-result, and they keep themselves updated all the times with the latest developments in software forte so that at no point of time they feel like falling behind and have to comprise with their delivery quality.

And last but not the least they always indulge in knowledge sharing and on regular basis keep their skill-set honed through trainings and seminars. A person having all these qualities is a true professional when you talk about software industry.

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