The client basically wanted us to develop a website that can help people to plan their retirement more judiciously. He wanted us to develop a system so that the end user can calculate and manage their mortgages, incomes, expenses and generate reports and graphs.
Mortgage Magic System ( is all about financial security and having more money for retirement. The website has been developed and redeveloped at our end. Initially the website was developed using Cold Fusion technology, however; to help it work better and to rely to the present day web standards, we have redeveloped some of its portions into ASP.NET.
We have implemented the Swiff charts and customized the charts using Swiff chart design tool. On an outset, users need to register with the site and can manage their financial details, add their monthly income and expenses and Loan/mortgage details. Additionally they can also view their mortgage details, Cash flow summary and view the mortgage transfer and mortgage balance via graphical reports.
Let's now take a look about the website in a more detailed way and discuss some of its exceptional features and functionalities:
To enjoy the offerings available on the site, users need to register with the site and log-in each time they want to use it. The mortgage info part helps the users to view mortgage information by filling Primary Mortgage and HELOC details:
Users can view as well as add/edit/delete their Current Debts deatils by entering the following details:
Users can add/edit/delete and view their regular income by entering the following details:
To manage and view their extra income, user need to enter the following details:
To track and manage regular expenses, users need to share the following details:
User would able to add/edit/delete and view the Extra expense by entering the following details:
User would able to add/edit/delete and view the analytics expenses by entering the following details:
The Analytics menu consists of variables like Check Points, Analytic Toolbar report and Analytic graph report. To manage, determine and calculate these details, a user needs to enter details like actual mortgage amount, actual HELOC amount, actual mortgage owed, mortgage magic owed etc.
All these and more, helps the Mortgage Magic System to give its users a solid financial plan that provides a large retirement nest egg and also protects that nest egg from reduction from taxes.
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