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How Prestashop Analytics can help in Boosting Earnings for eMerchants?

calender 29 Jul 2014

“eCommerce being the next big thing on web, Google has also trying to aid in the whole scenario. The article here talks about the PrestaShop addons available on Google Analytics which would help the site owners to track the status of the orders and the stock of products in their online store.”

The initial months of this year saw $9.3 million fundraising by PrestaShop and this helped it pave the path of 1.6 version release. Like always, PrestaShop has kept it simple by prioritizing the demand of the customers. But, in this case, a fresh Analytics and insights segment has been added for eMerchants. This is for offering the 600,000 member strong community with data that will help them in shaping the business better. From business intelligence to predictive & general report, everything has found their place inside this fresh version.

Bruno Leveque, cofounder of PrestaShop said, “We are extremely proud of PrestaShop 1.6 and excited to introduce the world to a new generation of e-commerce that is both brilliant and beautiful.”  People are no longer dependent on big names like Amazon and eBay. Even a small business owner can start his own journey knowing that PrestaShop is behind him with all the finest features present in the world today. The promising 1.6 version is expected to put it in a position where it can give tough fight to industry leaders like Magento.

What comes with PrestaShop 1.6?

Quite a long list of features has found their way with this version of PrestaShop, but the one part which has been extensively enriched is the Analytics part. Let’s share some of the features which come with this version, so that you can tell your PrestaShop developer in India to make good use of these features.

1. Feature rich dashboard: The widgets present in the back end helps you in many areas while handling any business. The latest addition in the list has been sales, order and profit viewing by the store owner in the new version. A graphical report is in front of their eyes which keeps them aware of their whole business condition:

2. Status showing widget and Google Analytics: There are widgets as well which are dedicated towards showing the store owners the status of the orders and the stock of products in their online store. This keeps the store owners always alert and keeps up their business reputation. The scope of adding Google Analytics has also proved to be very much helpful as a detailed insight about the user movement in the store is now visible to the admin.

3. Advance Reporting: Report generation is a major necessity required by every business owner running an e-commerce store.  PrestaShop’s unique segment named “Real-time Net Profit Margin” tells the store owner about their overall sales and how much profit they are making at that moment.  This makes it by default the most desired feature in PrestaShop.

Why eMerchants are loving it?

With all these scopes in the Analytics and reporting, the decision making process has become more flawless. The instantaneous profit calculation and door through which it came tells about the best user engagement funnel. All these together have impressed all eMerchants using Prestashop a lot. After all, it’s all about growth of business.

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