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PHP Web Application for Airborne Equipment Supplier 'Kellstrom Industries'

Client Brief

The requirement was to add modules in client's existing application to create various types of reports.

Our Endeavor

Kellstrom Industries is dealing with airborne equipment and it has an internal application which was interlinked with other applications that take and perform various tasks like printing, shipping, mailing etc. The app needed some improvements.

We have implemented below mentioned features in the app:

  • Barcode Integration – The client wanted to have a barcode generator added in the app as he handles bulk of products; that need to be packed for shipping. This module has been developed to read the barcode details that any user submits in the database and structure it properly and send it for printing. The printed doc now comes with a barcode which can be attached on product packaging that has to be shipped.
  • Pick Ticket Report Integration – Pick Ticket Report is also a functionality that has been developed to streamline the process of shipping. Here, a user enters shipping details in the database. The database now takes those raw data, arranges them in the correct format, and develops a form and send a command for printing and a soft copy get saved in the database.
  • Repair Order Report Integration – As the client is into aeronautics segments, he deals with a bulk of machines that has to be repaired. And obviously they need to ship for repairing. This module is developed for generate a repair order report which collects data from the raw inputs added by any user in the data base. This order gets drafted in a proper format and an automated command gets shot for printing.

We have added a timer in the application which searches for various commands for generating barcode, repair order or pick ticket. Whenever the app gets a similar command, it performs its task automatically.




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 PHP Web Application for Airborne Equipment Supplier 'Kellstrom Industries'

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