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Website for Video Sharing Platform 'Compare to the Pros' Using PHP

Client Brief

Client wanted us to develop a website like YouTube that would that would allow users to register, upload videos, edit, crop and compare them as well. Users would be able to search for videos based on keyword in the website as well as YouTube. The admin would be able to manage videos and users etc.

Our Endeavor

Compare to the Pro’s is one of the world's best video sites. The company specializes in short-form original content - from new, emerging talents and established Hollywood heavyweights alike. They are committed to deliver an exceptional entertainment experience, and they do so by engaging and empowering our audience every step of the way. 

Using the website visitors can view public videos and can also compare two videos using dual player. Registered users can login to the site using their login credentials, view the video on the website and upload the videos on the website and crop/edit video and compare two videos using dual player. Registered users can also upload and search videos on YouTube and share videos and links with friends on twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other social networks.

Let’s discuss the features and functionalities of the site in more details:

Front End

  • Users need to register with the site by entering their user name, password, name, email address, telephone number, physical address, and zip code. An email will be sent to confirm email address with a onetime activation link.
  • Users can upload video by selecting a category. Categories and sub categories would be managed by the admin.
  • Users can crop/edit video. Users would be able to mark the start and end point in a video. After adding markers user will be able to save the marked video by clicking on Save/Crop button. The video will be cropped from the markers and saved in the library by given name.
  • Users can compare two videos. A player will play two videos of same duration. User will be allowed to add some shapes, text notes and highlights on the video. When user starts editing the video will pause to current point. When editing is done the video will play again with the shapes or highlights over it. Users can also delete and change the position of highlights and text notes at any time. When deleted the shapes will be displayed till its delete time from the created time. This will be saved in a XML when save is clicked on the screen. This xml will be stored in the database by the PHP. This player will have two modes
    • Editor
    • Player
  • Player will play the edited videos and editor will allow user to edit the videos. Editor will have following tools:
    • Circle Shape
    • Rectangle Shape
    • Text Notes
    • Color Selection
    • Line and Arrow Shape
  • Users can save the edited videos. This would save data in form of XML when user plays the videos again the XML is used to re-draw the shapes that user saved.
  • The original video files uploaded by users would be deleted after it has been converted to FLV.
  • Comparison player will allow users to edit the video and will save the modifications in XML format. The player will read that saved XML and player the video accordingly. We have created an overlay on the video and that will only be played in our player. User will be able to share the edited video by email a link of edited video. That link will linked to the player page on our website. That link will pass some information to our page we will get the compared video xml by using that information. After getting the XML player will read the XML and play the edited video.
  • Video Selection in Comparison Player: A dropdown option will be there for each video from which user can select video category and video to play in a player. E.g. User needs to select PRO name like "Federer". Then user would need to select the category like "Serves". Then user need to select video, the list of videos will be generated based on the selection of PRO and category. Category, video and PRO data will be retrieved from the server.
  • Users can view list of videos he has uploaded and can edit the list.
  • Step next back controls in Comparison Player: Users will have the ability to Step back and forward both videos at once and one video at a time. User will be able to play and pause the video simultaneously. User will also have the ability to slow down speed of the video to half to the original. By the steps we assume that if a video is of 30 seconds then there could be 30 or 60 steps. We assume that number of steps depends on the duration of video and interval of step duration.
  • Users would be able to slow down the video player speed to ½.
  • Dual Player with YouTube Player: Dual player with one normal video player and one YouTube player. YouTube player controlled with YouTube Player API. Both these players can be controlled like comparison player and have the following functionalities:
    • Seek: Both players can seek together.
    • Play: Both players can be played together and can be controlled with one player button.
    • Pause/Stop: Both players can be paused/stopped with one button. Both players can be controlled individually as well.
  • Users can set a video library either as public or private.
  • Water marking video: Videos on the can be watermarked.
  • Users can share videos and links with friends on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other social networks.
  • Non registered users can view two videos from the library of videos after which they would be directed to the join now page.
  • The application would be able to support multiple languages using language files.

Admin Section

  • Admin can manage content for help, tutorial section using HTML editor. Admin can create pages for help section and accordingly the links will be populated on help index page. There is only one level of nesting and each page can have an ordering.
  • Admin can manage content for static pages. Admin can manage content for static pages. New pages cannot be created.
  • Admin can manage (add/edit/delete) categories of videos.
  • Admin can manage (add/edit/delete) users.




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 Website for Video Sharing Platform 'Compare to the Pros' Using PHP

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