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Responsive Web Designing Owns the Web : Why & How!

calender 26 Nov 2014

“We are almost about to close 2014 and here we have decided to talk about responsive web designing, one of the most talked about and most used web design techniques. Here in this article we will be refreshing our memories about the technique.”

Once Google proclaimed that content is king and the world paid heed. The new mantra is something a bit different. The new bandwagon revolves around mobile content. The simple statistics of mobile outscoring desktop computers in terms of Internet access is the catalyst of the spurt that earmarks the newest in the development of advertisement. While more and more companies, be it mainstream media or business sites are embracing mobile optimized designs, the results are quite satisfactory.

Statistics proclaim that conversion rates from mobiles is higher than that of desktops. This is reason enough for designers to migrate from browser based designs to responsive designs. While it is proving to be SEO friendly as well, the improved architecture makes for a general and uniform viewing of content across platforms. 

responsive web design

I'll not be exaggerating to state that responsive web designing is one of the most talked about technologies of 2013 - 2014. And it is basically an extension of the traditional liquid layout. Let me discuss it with few more details...

Fluid Grids:

Fluid Grid does not create a layout based on rigid pixels or arbitrary percentage values; it is rather carefully designed in terms of proportions. This is why, when a layout is squeezed or stretched on a browser, all the content is proportionately adjusted.

To calculate the proportions for each page element, you need to divide the target element by its context. First, you need to create a mockup in a pixel based image editor, like Photoshop. Now you need to measure a page element and divide it by the full width of the page.

Even if you get a floating point value with many numbers after the decimal, it is advisable not to round it off. This would keep the Fluid Grids accurately proportionate.

Media Queries:

CSS3 media queries facilitate capturing of data about the technology being used by the site visitor and help in conditionally applying CSS styles. It offers a feature called ‘min-width media’ that lets you apply specific CSS styles.

It becomes really useful when the browser window drops below a particular width that you have specified. You can use a series of media queries and gradually move to larger resolutions by creating different sets of pixel widths like:

  • 320px
  • 480px
  • 600px
  • 768px
  • 900px
  • 1200px

Nowadays, one can easily find a responsive web design company on the Internet that offers responsive web design service. But then selecting a professional from the crowd of many harping about their ‘skill’ has never has been easy! So observe discretion and check credentials before subscribing to the service of an expert in responsive web design.

Having a single URL is surely a great way to leverage exposure and this is certainly something every business owner wants. Almost every web design company of India is rendering special importance to the latest trends in designing. This is imperative to say that the end result is a more interactive website.

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"From the Editor's Desk" is not just about the content. Our content writers will be sharing their thoughts on industry trends, new technologies, and emerging topics that are relevant to our readers. We believe that it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends, and We excited to share my thoughts and insights with you.
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