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Top 10 Tips for Creating SEO Friendly Content for Your Website

calender 16 Jun 2014

“Quite sadly from the beginning of 2011 to late 2012 much emphasis had been given by so called million SEO professionals over only off-page works such as bookmarking, link building, article submissions, etc. the prime reason was just to keep on piling to the backlink bundle. The whole approach has harsh effects on the whole search engine environment as redundant information started to come ahead in the search engine result page.”

2014 brings back the essence of content

Quite sadly from the beginning of 2011 to late 2012 much emphasis had been given by so called million SEO professionals over only off-page works such as bookmarking, link building, article submissions, etc. the prime reason was just to keep on piling to the backlink bundle. The whole approach has harsh effects on the whole search engine environment as redundant information started to come ahead in the search engine result page. Instead of getting quality content users were just getting same base concept in various ways due to spinning of content in huge number. To give back the quality to search engine results Google released updates like penguin and panda. The main motto behind this whole thing was to filter out the trash out of the web and give the right information to the right user. Content is the most crucial part of this whole process.

Google said that only quality content will be given value while adjudging any website with page rank or valuation in the eye of search engine. Not just this the content has to be useful for the targeted audience, unique in its content, not promotional all the times and has a flair of its own. According to B2B content marketing benchmarks- North America CM1 in the year 2013 91% organizations related to this sector made use of content marketing service.

SEO and content paving path together

Those who have been associated with the niche of SEO for many years know that in the primary guidelines of the Google itself they specifically has stated that ‘content is king’. This means content is the part which needs to be given maximum attention in the whole process of internet marketing especially in organic way of approach.  This calls for the hiring for companies who are experienced in SEO content development.

Know how to deliver such content patterns

There are several points to keep in mind and these will help you in delivering fine SEO friendly content in any SEO based content marketing project. Here are those in brief:

1. Usefulness matters: To keep your user hooked to your write-ups make sure to write useful content and nothing exaggerated. When a user engagement would be built the social strength will grow. This is a parameter over which Google now gives prominence. 

2. Precise and point wise: SEO centric content has to be short yet crispy. Make sure to keeping the reading time less with lower amount of content in any page, but always make sure to cover all the highlights.

3. Keywords are important: In any successful writer’s resume you will find that he knows how many has to be used to keep it natural yet effective.

4. Unique take of yours: As an individual you should not copy any particular style from someone while writing and present your view unadulterated.

5. Ample use of links: In any write-up on right places hyperlink words with the relevant pages.

6. Graphical content: Most recently it is seen that graphical contents are on huge demand and unlike user search engine too are giving preference to it. This is why infographics are so very popular.

7. Proof Read a must: This part is simply mandatory to avoid any silly mistakes and giving your content a robust shape.

8. The content must be social: With social media any part of the content has to be sharable. Make sure to integrate plugins for performing this task.

9. Authorship: Now is the time when Google authorship is a must do as Google is not even looking at those who have not done authorship while submitting the content.

10. Tags and tips: These two are major interest grabber and hence must be made use of. The tags create a category effect and tips keeps people interested.

Having a grip over the above areas, devising effective SEO content becomes a breeze!

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