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Pros and Cons of Using Python for Your Project

calender 03 Feb 2022

“Read the blog to know the pros and cons of using Python for your dream project. Contact SynapseIndia to hire Python developers and kick start your project today.”

There are a multitude of programming languages ​​used for application development around the world. Each one has its specific characteristics, as well as pros and cons. One of the most popular programming languages ​​today is Python. Do you know what Python is for? Python has become one of the few languages ​​that is relevant today, as well as having high potential for the future. Since it was founded in 1991 by a developer named Guido Van Rossum, Python's reach has grown day by day, and several multinationals use it for their application development activities.

While that says a lot about it, Python does have some drawbacks, which often lead application developers to prefer other languages. Through this post, we aim to highlight the ups and downs of Python development so you can evaluate whether or not to use it for your next project. In this article, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Python.

Pros of Using Python Framework for Your Project

Easy to learn and easy to use

The Python programming language has a syntax similar to the English language, which makes it extremely easy and simple for anyone to read and understand its codes. You can learn this language without much trouble and learn it easily.

This is one of the reasons why Python is better compared to other programming languages ​​like C, C++, or Java. Also, Python requires relatively fewer lines of code to perform the same operations and tasks that are performed in other programming languages ​​with larger blocks of code.

Extensive Library

Python provides the user with an extensive library. Python's standard library is huge, and almost every function one needs to perform is available in its library. This is because it has a very supportive community and corporate sponsorship. Users do not use external libraries while working with Python.

Easily Portable

In most languages, including the ones you have learned to read, write, and use, such as C, C++, etc., you need to make code changes to run a given program on different platforms. However, that is not the case with Python programming. In Python, you need to write the code only once and you can run it on any platform by adapting the write once, run anywhere feature. However, you need to make sure you don't involve any system-dependent features.


Python has an open-source license and is freely available to users, allowing you to distribute it easily. With Python, you can download any source code and further modify and distribute your version of the code in Python. This feature can be especially useful when you want to reuse code and save time to create innovative applications. Also, you can change its behavior and use the older version of the code for development.

Easy to Integrate with Other Programming Languages

Python has another unique feature that allows it to integrate not only with libraries, such as Jython and Cython, but also with other programming languages, including Java, C, and C++ for cross-platform development. Therefore, Python is comparatively more powerful. No programming language is complete, and it is generally not recommended to use one language for all applications and development. Also, just like any other language, Python's strength is to provide you with a huge library so you can enjoy the robust and powerful features of other languages ​​as well.

Cons of Using Python Framework for Your Project

Experienced programmers always recommend using the right tools for the project. It is good to know not only the pros of Python, but also its cons. What problems can you face when choosing this high-level programming language?

Weak in Mobile Computing

Python has made its presence known on many desktop and server platforms, but it is considered a weak language for mobile computing. This is why very few mobile apps like Carbonnelle are built.

Problems Using Other Languages

Staunch Pythonites become so familiar with its layouts and extensive libraries that they have trouble learning or eliminating other programming dialects. Python experts may find the syntax requirements for adding curly braces or semicolons too onerous a task.

Database Access

Python provides easy programming. However, when you interact with the database, some problems arise. Compared to technologies like JDBC and ODBC, which are quite famous, the database access layer of the Python programming language is primitive and underdeveloped. Large companies that typically need seamless interaction with complex legacy data don't prefer to use Python.

It Gets Slow in Speed

Python runs with the help of an interpreter instead of the compiler, which slows it down because compilation and execution help it work normally. Therefore, since it uses bytecode instead of machine instructions, it works slower than compiled languages.


Python is a simple and easy to use programming language which is also a disadvantage of the language. Python users get so used to its easy syntax and extensive library function that they face problems while learning other programming languages. Some users also feel that Java codes are unnecessary due to their complexity. Therefore, Python has a very vulnerable nature and users start to take everything lightly.

Final Words

Python is a robust programming language and provides easy use of lines of code, maintenance can be handled excellently, and debugging can also be done easily. It has gained importance all over the world as the computer giant Google has made it one of its official programming languages. So, if you are looking for Python developers for your project, contact us as soon as possible. Our IT professionals will assist you with best of their knowledge.

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