SynapseIndia - Custom Software Development Company

Developing a WordPress Theme

Client Brief

Client asked us to create a WordPress theme that will display latest blog posts, Twitter feeds, header images with slider feature, which can dynamically manage the top and footer menus on home page.

Our Endeavor

We have developed nice and clean WordPress theme which can be integrated with client’s site. Features like latest blog posts, Twitter feeds, header slider etc. are available while it is also having the functionality to manage different templates dynamically on different web pages.

We have integrated a HTML template in WordPress and have implemented the functionality of display the blog post content, page content with featured image and Twitter feeds on home page. We have displayed 5-6 different featured image size on various web pages.

We have created the functionality to display the top and footer menus and these all are manageable from the admin section. We have implemented the functionality of display the header images with slider feature on home page.
Alongside, we have also incorporated functionalities so that we can give place to a series of items such as library, course, quiz, user activity, multiple sidebar feature etc.; which admin can customize from his/her end. The functionality for selecting the multiple sidebars has been added and these are displayed from each post on front end. We have created the functionality through which admin can track the each user activity on website like post view, course pages view, login/logout, quiz attempts etc. The course completion percentage (%)  and course completion rules will be manage by the admin.

We have implemented the functionality of display similar posts, user comments and author details on blog post page. We have created the functionality to manage all these by creating various widgets. For that we have also created features in default theme options in WordPress admin section. Using this admin features, admin can manage all the section dynamically on frontend.
We have integrated the PayPal Payment Gateway in the website. User can able to subscribe the course by paying admin set amount, admin can also able set the amount of each course . We have integrated the features user can subscribe in free courses also and in that case Ecommerce feature will be disabled. We have created the different type of short codes (show toggle contents, Show recent posts, Show image galley and show liner). We have also integrated the Ecommerce feature in the website. User can able to add the course/products in shopping cart and then purchase the same.
We have enhanced the WordPress theme for better user experience. We have implemented a library feature that allows administrator to upload files of different format as an attachment to the post that users can download. We have also implemented an option in the backend for the admin to set rules/access permissions only for certain users based on defined criteria.
We have modified the email template in the admin section. We have used shortcodes for user information, developed a certificate module for completed courses, developed a functionality to create PDF based certificates and various theme settings.
We have created the FAQ  feature into the theme. Using this feature admin can able to add/manage the FAQ content and user can able to view/search the FAQ content on frontend. We have also created the Help Desk feature on the theme. Using this feature users can create a ticket and send it to admin support also admin support person can able to reply on that ticket. As suggested, we have modified the script/ functionality to manage the whole registration form/ fields/ fields ordering from admin section.
We have modified the script of theme updater feature. Using this feature/functionality client will be able to get all newly implemented functionalities/features into the theme by clicking the simple “Update Now” link on WordPress theme option page from client server . Additionally, we have also worked on some “animated HTML” using jQuery high chart and created the graphs.
 We have created the “Our Product” widget functionality with scroll feature. We have also created the shortcode for the same. Using this admin can put the “Our Product” widget shortcode in any post/ page editor area. We have displayed the course images with scroll feature under the “Our Product” widget area. We have created the option to manage the scroll functionality from admin panel.
We have also modified the “Guide Box” plugin functionality and we have provide all newly modifications/ enhancements on his server though plugin updater feature. Using this client can only need to update the new version of plugin by just clicking “Update Now” link from plugins page. We have also modified  the “Cohort” functionality in course/ library section on front end and admin panel as well.
We have created a mobileQ plugin and have modified the mobileQ storyboard flow. We have created a  functionality of send enrollment notification email to the user on time of creation of the "MobileQ" series. By using this functionality user has to inform that new mobileQ series will be created and he will able to participate the mobileQ series. We have also created a functionality of 'send email after each round of question and answer'. As client suggested, we have display the  countdown timer when user provides the wrong answer for the question. User waits until the set time in admin section.
We have created the responsive layout/design for website pages like Home, Blog, Transcript, Course pages.We have created a functionality for shortcode generator under the each post / page section. Using this admin can generate the shortcode by yourself and admin need to just copy and paste the same shortcode under editor section. We have modified the color scheme functionality on front end. We have also integrated the functionality to user can able to choose the front end background image, different color schemes etc. We have also addressed the client suggested modification/changes in mobileQ section and theme as well.
Pages like : courses, library, blogs, etc. as were made responsive which are compatible with various screen sizes of smartphones, tabs and desktops. We have modified the supported plugin functionality and have also modified the functionality of "Course Access Rule" in the admin section.
In this phase, we have modified and enhanced the course builder functionality/feature as suggested by client. We also modified the complete layout of course and course lessons pages and created/enhanced the multiple functionality on course add/edit page. Other tasks done on this project are as follows -
  • Started working on event management and created a multiple sections in admin and front end section
  • Modified the library items functionality in theme


PHP, Wordpress



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 Developing a WordPress Theme

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